Thanks for stumbling upon my site. Hopefully you've been thrilled with the work shown and now can't wait to learn more about the intriguing man behind these pieces. No? Well, too bad. You're here now.
My name is Buddy Higgs and I come up with ideas. I write. I sing karaoke horribly but passionately. I also help other people make their ideas better. I'm currently a freelance Creative Director and Copywriter based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Yes, it's hot in the summer. And yes, it's a dry heat. I love bringing ideas to life no matter what the medium. I love a few other things too. Mainly my beautiful wife and two kids, playing tennis, Liverpool FC, most things Disney (which now includes all things Marvel and Star Wars), and street tacos. Seriously, Phoenix's street taco game is off the charts.
Again, thanks for taking a look around.
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